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Charaka Samhita: Ancient Indian Wisdom for Health and Longevity

Charaka Samhita: Ancient Indian Wisdom for Health and Longevity

India, a land with a rich and ancient history, is the birthplace of Ayurveda, one of the world's three major medical systems. Ayurveda seeks to bring true health and happiness by harmonizing the mind, body, and soul. At the heart of Ayurveda lies the Charaka Samhita, the oldest medical text in India. This ancient text contains universal wisdom on health and longevity that is still relevant to us today. Its teachings on aligning with the rhythms of nature, balancing the mind and body, and enhancing life energy transcend time and illuminate our path toward a richer life. In this article, we will explore the teachings of the Charaka Samhita and discover tips for achieving balance and living a healthy life.

チャラカ・サンヒター 古代医学書

Table of contents


What is the Charaka Samhita?: The foundational medical text of Ayurveda

What is the Charaka Samhita?: The foundational medical text of Ayurveda The Charaka Samhita is the oldest medical text in India, believed to have been compiled around the 6th century BC. It is said to have been compiled by the legendary physician Charaka and covers the basic principles of Ayurveda, treatment methods, and knowledge of medicinal herbs.

チャラカ・サンヒター 蓮 

Structure of the Charaka Samhita The Charaka Samhita is composed of eight sections (sthana):

  1. Sutra Sthana: Explains the basic principles of Ayurveda, definitions of health and disease, and diagnostic methods. Learn more here.

  2. Nidana Sthana: Explains the causes and symptoms of various diseases, as well as diagnostic methods.

  3. Vimana Sthana: Explains various treatment methods, including drug therapy, dietary therapy, and lifestyle improvement.

  4. Sharira Sthana: Explains the structure and function of the human body, physiology, and anatomy.

  5. Indriya Sthana: Explains the functions of the five senses and their diseases, diagnostic methods, and treatments.

  6. Chikitsa Sthana: Provides specific explanations of treatment methods for various diseases.

  7. Kalpa Sthana: Explains methods for preparing and administering medicines.

  8. Siddhi Sthana: Summarizes successful treatment cases and the teachings of Charaka.

Characteristics of the Charaka Samhita The Charaka Samhita is not merely a medical text but also has aspects of a philosophical text that comprehensively grasps the human being. Let's take a closer look at its characteristics.

瞑想をする美女 チャラカ・サンヒター
  1. Holistic Perspective: The Charaka Samhita views the human being as a trinity of body, mind, and soul, and considers the harmony of these to be essential for health. It recognizes that not only physical symptoms but also mental states and psychological stress can be causes of illness, and emphasizes a mind-body approach to treatment.

  2. Emphasis on Preventive Medicine: The Charaka Samhita emphasizes the concept of "preventive medicine," which focuses on preventing illness before it occurs, rather than treating it after it has developed. It provides detailed explanations of dietary methods, lifestyle habits, and mental attitudes for maintaining a healthy state, offering wisdom for preventing illness.

  3. Advocacy for Personalized Medicine: The Charaka Samhita recommends tailor-made treatment methods that are personalized to each individual, taking into account their constitution, symptoms, and living environment. It emphasizes that even with the same illness, the causes and symptoms can differ from person to person, and therefore, it is important to choose treatment methods that are tailored to the individual situation rather than uniform treatment methods.

  4. Utilization of Natural Healing Power: The Charaka Samhita believes that the human body is inherently equipped with the power to heal itself, known as "natural healing power." It presents various methods to enhance natural healing power, including not only drug therapy but also dietary therapy, exercise therapy, meditation, and yoga.

  5. Extensive Knowledge of Medicinal Herbs: The Charaka Samhita contains detailed descriptions of numerous medicinal herbs, their effects, and methods of use. Modern research has revealed that many of these herbs actually have various health benefits, making the herbal knowledge of the Charaka Samhita a valuable source of information even in modern medicine.

  6. Medical Ethics: The Charaka Samhita also addresses medical ethics. It emphasizes that doctors should always prioritize the patient's interests and approach treatment with a sincere and humble attitude. It also states that doctors should constantly strive for self-improvement and never neglect the effort to acquire the latest medical knowledge.

These characteristics demonstrate that the Charaka Samhita is not merely a medical text but a philosophical text that comprehensively pursues human health and happiness.

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Secrets to Health and Longevity from the Charaka Samhita: Diet, Lifestyle, and Mindset

The Charaka Samhita contains various wisdom for achieving health and longevity. Here, we will explain three particularly important elements: "diet, lifestyle, and mindset."

Diet: Balancing the body with a diet that suits your constitution The Charaka Samhita emphasizes the importance of choosing a diet that matches your individual constitution (dosha). There are three types of doshas: Vata (wind), Pitta (fire), and Kapha (water). By choosing foods and cooking methods that suit each dosha, you can balance your body and maintain health. For example:

  • Vata constitution: Warm and oily foods are recommended.

  • Pitta constitution: Cool and light foods are recommended.

  • Kapha constitution: Foods with pungent and bitter tastes are recommended.

The Charaka Samhita also emphasizes the importance of consuming a balanced diet of natural foods, avoiding processed foods and additives, and practicing moderation in eating. There are several ways to know your dosha, but here are two typical methods:

Self-assessment test

You can learn about your dosha tendencies by taking a self-assessment test provided by Ayurveda experts, books, or websites. These tests ask questions about physical characteristics (body type, skin quality, hair quality, etc.), personality, behavior patterns, and preferences to determine which dosha is dominant.

Diagnosis by a specialist

Characteristics of Vata (Wind) Constitution Physical Characteristics

Characteristics of Pitta (Fire) Constitution Physical Characteristics

Characteristics of Kapha (Water) Constitution Physical Characteristics

Lifestyle: Revitalize the body and mind with a regular routine and moderate exercise The Charaka Samhita states that a regular routine and moderate exercise are essential for health and longevity.

  • Early to bed, early to rise: Exposure to morning sunlight resets the body's internal clock and regulates the mind and body's rhythm.

  • Moderate exercise: Make it a habit to engage in exercise that suits you, such as yoga or walking, to promote blood circulation and boost metabolism.

  • Stress relief: Practice stress-relieving methods such as meditation, breathing exercises, and connecting with nature.

Mindset: Enhance happiness with positive thinking and gratitude The Charaka Samhita considers the state of mind to have a significant impact on health.

  • Positive thinking: Negative emotions can cause stress and illness. Always strive to maintain a positive mindset.

  • Gratitude: Feeling grateful for the people and things around you increases happiness and reduces stress.

  • Mental calmness: Practice maintaining mental calmness through meditation and yoga.


Enhancing Natural Healing Power with the Charaka Samhita

The Charaka Samhita views the cause of illness as an imbalance within the body and aims to enhance natural healing power by restoring that balance.

Causes of Illness: Dosha Imbalance The Charaka Samhita believes that illness is caused by an imbalance in the three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

  • Excess Vata: Anxiety, insomnia, constipation, etc.

  • Excess Pitta: Inflammation, fever, skin problems, etc.

  • Excess Kapha: Obesity, edema, indigestion, etc.

The main causes of excess in each dosha are as follows

Excess Vata (Wind) Diet

  • Cold foods and drinks, dry foods, excessive consumption of raw vegetables

  • Irregular meals, skipping meals

  • Bland foods, overly stimulating foods Lifestyle

  • Lack of sleep, staying up late

  • Excessive exercise, fatigue

  • Stress, anxiety, fear

  • Living in a cold environment Season

  • Dry season from autumn to winter Emotions

  • Anxiety, fear, sadness

Excess Pitta (Fire) Diet

Excess Kapha (Water) Diet

Treatment: Balancing the Doshas The Charaka Samhita emphasizes the importance of balancing the doshas in treating illness. The following treatment methods are used for this purpose:

  • Dietary therapy: Choosing foods and cooking methods that suit your dosha

  • Herbal therapy: Using the power of herbs to balance the body

  • Purification therapy: Panchakarma, a purification therapy, to eliminate toxins accumulated in the body

  • Lifestyle improvement: Reviewing lifestyle habits such as regular routines and stress management

  • Meditation and yoga: To balance the mind and reduce stress

Modern Applications: Utilizing the Wisdom of the Charaka Samhita

The wisdom of health and longevity described in the Charaka Samhita can be fully utilized even in modern society.

Diet: Avoid processed foods and additives, and consume a balanced diet of natural foods. Lifestyle: Practice early to bed, early to rise, moderate exercise, and stress management. Mindset: Value positive thinking, gratitude, and mental calmness. Alternative Medicine: Utilize Ayurvedic herbs, oils, and massages.

Conclusion: True Health and Happiness as Taught by the Charaka Samhita

The Charaka Samhita is not just a medical text, but also a philosophical text that brings us true health and happiness. Its teachings offer us tips for balancing our mind and body and living a richer and happier life even in modern society. By learning and practicing the wisdom of the Charaka Samhita, you too may be able to embark on the path to health and longevity.


Nature × Modern Science

The wisdom of nature passed down since ancient times, and the power of nature unraveled by modern science.

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