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  • What is the FAQ section?
    The FAQ section is a place to provide answers to commonly asked questions about your business, such as "How much does delivery cost?", "What are your opening hours?", and "How can I book your service?".
  • Why do we need FAQs?
    Adding FAQs can improve your site's experience by allowing site visitors to quickly find answers to questions about your business.
  • Where can I add FAQs?
    You can add a FAQ to any page on your site or in the Wix mobile apps.
  • How do I add new questions and answers?
    To add a FAQ: 1. Open the dashboard or editor 2. Add new questions and answers 3. Assign FAQs to categories 4. Save and publish You can edit your FAQs at any time.
  • Can I insert images, videos, and GIFs?
    Yes. To add media: 1. Open the dashboard or editor 2. Add new or edit existing 3. Add a GIF to the answer text box, or 4. Add and save media files
  • How do I edit or delete a FAQ title?
    Click on the "Settings" button on the Editor FAQ page Mobile apps can be edited in the Wix Ower app's "Site Overview"
  • オイルが固まってしまいましたが大丈夫ですか?
  • 効果はいつ分かりますか?
  • ギフトに対応してますか?
  • いつ届きますか?
  • 返品出来ますか?
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